People are eager to make lifestyle changes, specifically regarding their health and/or appearance. Problem is, most of them want an easy and quick way to accomplish that. After all, we are a society that has become addicted to the FAST, INSTANT, and IMMEDIATE answers. That might work with technology but it does not work with the body or overall health and wellness. We're not comfortable with the "process" of things. We are uneasy and agitated by baby-steps. We grow frustrated in hearing "this will be a journey...." Don't know about you, but I'm not so sure our dependency on getting what we want in a jiffy is all positive. (There's something to be said for staying in bed for a day, sipping on chicken soup, and reading from a paperback book, but that's another post.........)
So, when it comes to our desire for physical change, I have repeated it before and I'll say it again:
You can do one without the other, but you will only get half the results.
In both the gym and the kitchen, you have to do three things:
1) Be Prepared 2) Be Committed 3) Be Intentional
Be prepared. Have a plan for your workout, do shopping ahead of time, keep your workout shoes in your car and healthy snacks with you at all times.
Be committed. Look ahead six or eight weeks and pencil in your training. Say "no thanks" to a gift of goodies from a co-worker. When the computer screams "stay here!!" stand up and shout back "when I'm done with my workout." Eat that healthy snack not necessarily because it's tastes good,
but because it's good for you.
Be intentional. Don't just show up to your workouts; work h-a-r-d. Pay attention to your meals - are you feeling full? Then stop eating. Finish your run, reps, time on the clock. It matters more how you finish than how you start. Stay out of the fridge/pantry/cupboard unless it's time for food!
Folks, if you have any other suggestions or tips for our fellow readers, please comment!!!! We learn best from those in the same boat, so SHARE your ideas and testimonies!!!
Looking forward to hearing all of your success stories..........
in four months!!! :) :) :)
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